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sales-i opens office in Chicago.

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sales-i are excited to announce that we are opening a sales office in Chicago, Illinois. As sales-i continues to enjoy rapid market take-up in North America, we are responding with increased ‘feet on the streets’ to meet the market demand.

sales-i’s is now the fastest-growing sales enablement and CRM software in North America and its success is down to one simple fact – ‘sales-i makes sales people sell more’.

Paul Black, co-founder of sales-i has considered a number of possible cities to accommodate its latest USA expansion plans and comments, “Chicago emerged as the most sensible place for us to be. It is the home of many partners like United, Lagasse and Trimega as well as being a major USA hub for distributors, wholesalers and a considerable number of manufacturers. The time zone is good too and allows us to stay in touch with the UK and there are good air links between the two countries.”

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