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Employees of the Month June 2018.

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It’s that time of month again when we get to celebrate the outstanding performances of our US and UK team members. So, who has gone the extra mile in May to get the coveted title of King/Queen of sales-i? OK, just Employee of the Month.



UK Winner

Mike Worthington

Customer Service Manager Mike has been a busy man in May! He has managed to combine his usual outstanding work looking after our customers, with helping close new key accounts and somehow (I’m not sure he sleeps!) finding time to come up with two new potential services for sales-i.

It’s fair to say that Mike had an exceptional month and all the department managers agreed.

Mike has also been working with our product team to build user groups for new products in development and keep the issues of our users front of mind.

Paul Black, sales-i’s CEO even went so far as to call Mike a model employee. So, I guess that means well-groomed facial hair is in this season!

Congratulations Mike!


USA Winner

Mary Ellen DiTommaso

Mary Ellen has been knocking it out of the park as a Sales Development Rep this May!

Paul said that he was seriously impressed with “the strategy and urgency that she operates with”.

Exceeding her KPIs every day, week and month. She has been impressed with her use of strategy and a scientific approach to her sales work.

Bravo Mary Ellen!


You don’t have to have a name starting with M to win, but it certainly helped this month!

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