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Employees of the Month August 2018.

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Whilst most of the world seemed to be away posting pictures on social media of beautiful beaches and exotic cocktails, three very special sales-i employees have had their nose to the grindstone.

So, who outshone the hot Summer sun this August with their outstanding contributions?


UK Winner

Steve Grosvenor
Implementation Consultant

Always fully dedicated to his work, August was a particularly busy month for the data team. Steve had the praise of many of his peers as he remained on top of an increased workload.

Paul Black, sales-i CEO said, “Steve works to an exceptionally high standard.”

Congratulations Steve!


UK Runner-Up

Steven Franklin
Marketing Executive

Steve joined the team from the Assay Office over 2 years ago and just like the price of gold his stock is consistently on the rise!

Generating a high-volume of critical support documentation at a high-standard, Steve has made short work of a lot of unglamorous, yet critical, tasks that make sales-i tick.

“The company needs many more like him,” Paul Black, sales-i CEO

Well done Steve!


USA Winner

Susanne Von Borcke
HR & Office Manager

Hailed as an absolute pillar of the USA office, Susi continues to support team sales-i both in and out of the office.  Simply put “The world of sales-i would be a much lesser place without her.” Paul Black.

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