Welcome back to the third part of our 5-point plan to make more hours in your day.
If you are reading this article first, you have some catching up to do. Feel free to review part one and part two so don't miss anything.
In part one we established the three stages of focus that are the foundation for all your actions and started to prioritize incoming and ongoing tasks when checked against our focus areas.
In part two we continued to rewrite your daily grind by properly planning your schedule and starting to put these into action.
We wrap up our 5-Point Plan to Make More Hours in The Day with the three R’s… and no, we don’t mean Reading, Writing, and Arithmetic.
Point 5 – Review, Rework & Repeat.
In addition to all four of the previous steps, you need to consider if your methods of prospecting and selling are the most efficient and effective for you AND your prospects. Have you ever evaluated your methods to see which has the greatest impact?
The most important thing you can do to increase the effectiveness of your working day is to learn how to work smarter.
You can do this by putting in time to review what led to your successes. If you skip this step you will repeat the same patterns and fail to develop – your sales figures and yourself as a salesperson.
To review the impact of your efforts you need to compare your work over a series of weeks and months. You need to commit to a continued effort of trial and error to find the best way to communicate with each vertical of business you are prospecting into.
Once you have completed your first day using the planning template, return to the document and assess each action’s impact using our ROI cheat sheet.
Download a copy of this template here: my-review
For this to be effective, you need to remember the exact details of what you did to get the result.
For example, which cold calling opening line did you use with the company gatekeeper this week?
You will need to use the same tactic for that day or week to test how effective it has been for you when compared to another approach. You may find that male or female gatekeepers respond better to a certain cold call technique. An action's impact may be different depending on the industry, time of day, and day of the week – until you test the theory, you won’t know anything for sure.
Keeping accurate notes of the outcomes of your plan is essential. For example, if you can take notes after each call and review notes at lunchtime and at the end of each day you are less likely to forget the key points that need to inform your next planning session.
Top Tip: If you are known for your illegible handwriting try to develop a shorthand or pictorial key for certain outcomes.
By doing all five points we have outlined in this series of articles may feel like you are doing a lot of work on research, planning, note-taking and not selling. Although this may appear to be taking time out of your precious selling time, once properly implemented, the quality of the results from the work you are doing will reap significant rewards. Plus, being able to deflect the numerous tasks that are not your responsibility will release hours of your time to concentrate on selling.
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